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Asthma and Humidity

When it comes to managing asthma, it’s important to pay attention to the relative humidity in the air. Even in the humid climate of Benton, Louisiana, you can ensure your home is comfortable by controlling your indoor humidity.

How Humidity Affects Asthma

Heavy, humid air is difficult to breathe. Whether you’re asthmatic or not, humid air can lead to coughing and shortness of breath. High humidity also encourages the growth of pathogens that irritate asthma, making a humid environment one of the least desirable for asthma sufferers.

When managing asthma, it’s important to monitor the humidity of your entire home, as well as manage it. Recommended indoor humidity levels are typically between 30 and 50 percent, which is both comfortable to breathe and discourages the particles and bacteria that aggravate asthma.

High Humidity Pathogens

One of the most common asthma triggers in the home is the tiny dust mite, which thrives in dark, humid environments. Dust mites are tiny creatures that feed on dead human skin and can typically be found on bedding and carpets, upholstered furniture, and clothing. Keeping your home’s relative humidity at or below 60 percent can noticeably reduce the number of dust mites in your home.

Another humidity-loving asthma trigger in your home is spores will grow most quickly in a humid home. Lowering humidity levels will reduce the instances of spores and improve your indoor air quality even if you don’t suffer from asthma.

Low Humidity Concerns

High humidity isn’t good for asthma, but neither is low humidity. When you’re turning up the heat this season, the air in your home will become drier. Don’t forget to increase your indoor humidity to stay comfortable and prevent sickness.

Air with low humidity can dry out your nasal passages, making it difficult for the mucous membranes in your nose to trap viruses and bacteria. Instead of being trapped, these pathogens will be inhaled, making you sick.

Overly dry air doesn’t just increase the odds of contracting a cold in your own home. It also tends to aggravate allergies and cause coughing or even nose bleeds. Keeping the air in your home from becoming too dry shouldn’t be overlooked when the weather turns cold and your heater turns on.

Humidity Solutions for Louisiana Homeowners

In Louisiana’s humid climate, controlling your indoor humidity is vital for asthma sufferers. Take comfort into your own hands, with a humidity-controlling device.

A dehumidifier extracts humidity from the air in your home, bringing it to a comfortable level. A portable electric dehumidifier can be set up in any room of your house and moved if necessary. Some models require you to empty the water the unit captures from the air.

During the most humid months of the year, an air conditioner helps alleviate asthma by controlling indoor humidity. While you’re running the unit, your windows are closed, which reduces the chances that pollens, spores, and mites will enter your home.

When the weather turns cold, it’s important to make sure the air in your home has enough humidity. A humidifier keeps the relative humidity of your home at a comfortable level. Your furnace may already include a humidifier, or you may opt for a portable electric model that can be placed in any room.

To reduce the asthma-triggering pathogens in your home, consider using an ultra-violet lamp. Bacteria and spores can grow on the coil of your air conditioner or heat pump, and the light from an ultraviolet lamp kills these unwanted allergens, preventing them from spreading throughout your home.

Another device that can help you manage asthma triggers in your home is an air purifier or air cleaner. This unit works by not just trapping, but also killing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and spores. A portable air purifier can be moved to any room in your house. 

Pioneer Comfort Systems is committed to helping you manage your indoor air quality. Whether you want to humidify, dehumidify, or purify your indoor air, contact Pioneer Comfort Systems at 318-795-8000 to discuss your unique needs. You can also visit our website to learn more about our indoor air quality solutions.